SFR Picks: Light Worker

Get bent, light

(Maria Egolf-Romero)

“I think what fascinates me about light is that it’s not something that you can grasp,” says artist Sophia Dixon Dillo, whose new installation and light box series opens Friday at Winterowd Fine Art. Each piece features simple patterns layered on brightly lit boxes, emitting warm light. Thousands of coppery metallic embroidery threads stretch from floor to ceiling in the classic adobe building, creating bands of glowing, golden light, which arch and bow suspended in the room.

Dillo's luminescent levitating harp-like work is the kind that gets better the longer you spend looking at it—it's mesmerizing. This shiny-thing quality is a big part of why Dillo works with light. "It emphasizes the quality of transience or ephemerality that you don't always get in work like a painting, where it tends to be more static," she explains.

The artist's comparison of her work to painting is natural, since she spent art school—at Colorado State University and the Lacoste Ecole des Arts in the South of France—on the path to be a painter. "I was really interested in artists like Mark Rothko and Agnes Martin," she says, and these influences peer through her works. The arching streaks of copper light, for example, mimic Rothko's broad, sweeping brushstrokes, and her light boxes encapsulate the soul of Martin's minimalist patterns.

Dillo became enamored with string and light after she did an installation late in her college career, and she never looked back. These light-bows are hugely dependent upon the space in which they are created, requiring a bit of foresight from the artist. With measurements in hand, she says, "I make a 3D model, and that way I can really feel what it would feel like to navigate through the space. I take into consideration doors and where people would walk so that people aren't running into the pieces."

Her ultimate goal? Presence. "I am really interested in just slowing people down," she says, "and bringing them into the immediate experience." (Maria Egolf-Romero)

Sophia Dixon Dillo: Illumination

5 pm Friday March 10. Free.

Winterowd Fine Art, 701 Canyon Road,


Lady Editors Unite!

As is the case in much of the world in 2017, there are too many dicks on Wikipedia. No, we mean it. The majority of the content in the online encyclopedia is edited and created by men. In fact, the site’s own statistics show that 90 percent of wiki-editors are men, and that doesn’t seem fair. So this Saturday, join women from the community and add some girl power to the content on the site. Beginning with tutorials and conversation about contemporary feminism and digital culture, reference materials are provided to help you edit entries on art, feminism, gender studies, LGBTQ issues and more. This is an inclusive thing, people. Everyone is welcome, and bring a laptop if you can. (MER)

Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon:
10 am-4 pm Saturday March 11. Free.
New Mexico Museum of Art,
107 W Palace Ave.,


Courtesy Museum of interantional Folk Art (Courtesy Museum of interantional Folk Art)

No one is quite sure why or where the Tramp Art movement began, but the intricately carved pieces—which began with cigar boxes and fruit crates embellished by folk artists with only basic tools—are a force to be reckoned with. Detailed beyond belief, such creations are rarely shown on a museum-exhibit scale. In fact, the last major show of this kind of art was in 1975. The Museum of International Folk Art has acquired some number of these fascinating pieces and presents a number of talks and events to round out the experience. (Alex De Vore)

No Idle Hands: The Myths and Meanings of Tramp Art:
1 pm Sunday March 12. Free.
Museum of International Folk Art,
706 Camino Lejo,


Courtesy AMP Concerts (Courtesy AMP Concerts)

Chances are, if you like the banjo, you like Béla Fleck. Like, seriously, try to think of another famous banjo player. And Steve Martin doesn’t count. OK, fine, here’s the point: Fleck and his contemporary, the delightful Abigail Washburn, have joined forces to pluck those strings and blow some minds through a set of classics, originals, old-timey relijun and lots more. Lightning-fast doesn’t even cover it, and we know we probably won’t change the minds of non-believers, but seriously—this stuff is pretty next-level. (ADV)

Béla Fleck & Abigail Washburn:
8:30 pm Monday March 13. $35-$49.
Lensic Performing Arts Center,
211 W San Francisco St.,

Santa Fe Reporter

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