Jezebel Picks Up SFR's 'Fly-In Abortionista' Cover Story

SFR's Oct. 5 cover story "Undercover," the story of a fly-in abortion doctor who wears a mask to stay anonymous, hit the national scene this week.


Jezebel, the women's issues partner site to, spotlighted Sharyn Jackson's cover story in SFR. Unfortunately, however, more attention was dedicated to anti-abortion group Operation Rescue's response than to the story itself.

After SFR published "Undercover," Operation Rescue, which pro-choice groups have accused of cultivating violent rhetoric and encouraging the intimidation of abortion providers, claimed to have discovered the identity of the abortion provider profiled in the story, a doctor whom SFR called "Clara Taylor."

SFR cannot confirm or deny OR's allegations, but this Jezebel post offers some fiery retorts.

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