FBI Interviewed Former Martinez Finance Director About Downs

Andrea Goff said today the FBI called her in to ask questions about activities related to the controversial Downs Racino contract.

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The following statement was released by Andrea Goff, former Finance Director of Susana Martinez for Governor and SusanaPAC and former Executive Director of the 2010 Inaugural Committee:

 "Due to intense speculation and misinformation, I feel it is appropriate to come forward and acknowledge that I complied with a request from the FBI to answer questions related to various activities including those related to the Downs Racino.  At the request of the FBI and on the advice of my attorney, Terrnce Hart of Bracewell Giuliani, I will not be answering any questions about the specifics of my interview. However, I will add that none of the questions were related to the recent investigation and indictment of Jamie Estrada.

I, like any of the others questioned, did not ask to be involved in this investigation and I hope you will respect everyone's privacy.  I will not be making any further comments on this matter now or in the future."

Santa Fe Reporter

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