, local paragon of mutable style (I've seen him transform from skinhead chic to king o' the goths), championed mustache month and, as he explains in the video, is now spearheading Animal Hat April.
Via text message, Jett explains some of the rules:
"Wearing actual animals is not encouraged. Nor are animal skin hats, unless they are vintage."
"Wearing or standard hat styles featuring pictures of animals can be counted as support for April Animal Hats, but not actual participation."
Got that? It's not an April Fools' gag: I shot the video on April 3. And
evidence that's he not alone.
To support the cause, on Monday, I'm gonna see if I can get authorization to give out some prizes for best animal hat. So, check back...not only for this post, but for the next episode of the comics webcast,
--Jett joins Chris Diestler in ranting about Watchmen.
Also...you can follow Jett on Twitter here: