Baratunde's slide show presentation, "everything i needed to know about social media i learned from being @the_swine_flu"
I mention a comic named Baratunde Thurston, who revealed himself to be the Twitter user
. Well, that reveal occurred during New York City's version of
, a sort of poetry slam for tech nerds. At these events, participants are given five minutes to go over 20-slide presentation, usually about something tech-biz.
The first
is on July 15 at the UNM student union.
super cool vote-up-the-tops page...though I do wish they were a few that were slightly, err, less technical.
(Full disclosure: I presented at its predecessor, Ignite Santa Fe, and one of the organizers,
, recently helped SFReeper sort out its comments problem.)
(hat tip to
for tweeting me on to the vid)