1 Patti Bushee
District 1
After 16 years on the Council, one might think Patti Bushee would grow weary of endless meetings, political machinations and constituent complaints. Not so, she says. “I still really love the job,” she says. “I love policy-making and I love helping people.” That love appears reciprocal, with Bushee’s first-place showing in our first-ever Best City Councilor category.
“It’s always great to be recognized,” Bushee says. “I’m surprised and I thank those that took the time to do that.” Bushee says she didn’t even realize voters were choosing a Best City Councilor this year and didn’t campaign to win. As for other campaigns in the councilor’s future, “I take it one year at a time,” she says. “So let’s see what this coming election season brings.” Bushee may not be chatty about her political prospects, but she’s got plenty to say about city projects in the short and long-term.
For example, she remains committed to working on transit solutions in the Railyard for commuters and bicyclists, as well ensuring smart, sustainable citywide development and growth in the future. With so many years of policy making under her belt, Bushee says she’s “grown” as a decision-maker. “Obviously, if not, I should have gotten out of the picture. I’m enjoying the knowledge I’ve gained through this work.”
2 Miguel Chavez, District 3
3 Rebecca Wurzburger, District 2