1 D Numbers
Face it, Santa Fe, D Numbers rules your face. In my humble opinion, it is probably one of the best bands we’ve had in Santa Fe in some time. Formed in 2002 by lifelong friends Ben Wright, Brian Mayhall and Paul Feathericci, the trio immediately impressed all who managed to behold its spectacle of rock, electronics and psychedelia.
Briefly home after a successful nationwide tour, including a performance at this year’s Bonnaroo, D Numbers doesn’t let success go to its head—the band appreciates its fan base, especially in Santa Fe. Now, with a new album completed and being shopped to various record labels, there will no doubt be good things happening for the trio. “This last tour confirmed that we’ve been doing great this past year,” Feathericci says.
The band, Wright says, is “just building a fan base the old fashioned way.” That is, “making connections and playing as many shows as we possibly can.” One can’t stress enough the importance of a band like this: original, talented and tireless workers for our scene, as well as the rock ’n’ roll scene at-large. Mark my words, Santa Fe: These guys will be huge.
2 AudioBuddha
3 Pigwhistle