1 Trader Joe's
530 W. Cordova Road
Trader Joe's makes it so easy. It's like a regular grocery store, but without all the crap you don't want: 67 brands of ketchup, 13 kinds of cat litter, 47 different scented dryer sheets.
You've got a simple grocery list. It reads: "Stuff I can eat this week. Plus dish soap." So you walk into Trader Joe's and what do you see? A whole bunch of stuff that is either ready-to-eat (sushi, sandwiches, cheese, chips, beer, pie) and a bunch of other stuff that wouldn't take too much effort to turn into a really fancy looking meal (tubs of basil, baby vegetables, stuffed salmon roulades). Turn the corner and you've got dish soap, hand soap, hair soap, laundry soap, all there right next to each other. No tough decisions to be made.
Bing, bam, boom! You're outta there in 20 minutes and you're set for the week. Wait! Don't forget the wine!
2 Whole Foods, 753 Cerrillos Road, 505-992-1700
3 La MontaƱita Co-op, 913 W. Alameda St., 505-984-2852