DJ Oona
The dance floor in Santa Fe wouldn’t be the same without DJ Oona. Since 1982, she’s been behind the decks mixing it up with old and new. “I came of age during the whole transition of disco, new wave and funk to house music,” Oona tells SFR of her style, which certainly includes a little bit of it all. Despite constantly searching out new music to bring to the party, Oona is a purist when it comes to equipment.
“I have, probably, 20,000 records—an entire guest bedroom full,” the vinyl-loving DJ says, though she does occasionally toss a CD into the mix. “I’m considering the digital world, but am still unsure about the fidelity of it. Plus, it just doesn’t feel the same.” So Oona may be sticking with what she knows, but when it comes to the scene, she’s working hard to be proactive. In the fall Oona, and an owner who wants to remain anonymous for now, are planning to open a new venue, Midheaven, to give DJs in town a place to play and bring the community of musicians and dancers back under one roof.