1 WildEarth Guardians
312 Montezuma Ave.
On a regular basis, volunteers from WildEarth Guardians head on over to wild waterways and “Stream Team” by planting 55,000 trees over the course of six events each spring. While they’re at it, they remove a few hundred non-native trees with kindness but firmness.
While this may be WildEarth’s most visual event—Associate Director Carol Norton says, “It’s important for people to have a visceral experience of healing the land”—it is far from the only thing the group does. With a four-point stewardship mission including concentration on water, wildlife, wild places and climate, there’s little not cared for in the way of Nature Herself.
These people are determined: The volunteers and employees march out into the world to make it cleaner, purer and safer, and they will not settle for less. They advocate first and choose their battles wisely—“Protect the best, restore the rest” is one of their mottoes, according to Norton—but aren’t afraid to turn to their handy in-house litigators. At that point, people who are just a little disrespectful of Mother Earth need to be more than a little frightened.
Volunteers are needed for office work, tree planting, advocacy and just about everything--so, Santa Fe, you voted for it, now go help out. (Caroline K Gorman)
2 Santa Fe Watershed Association, 1413 Second St., Suite 3, 820-1696
3 Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society, newmexicoaudubon.org/sdcas