1 Dust in the Wind
131 E. Palace Ave.
It’s startling to make your way through the labyrinthine streets of 400-year-old Santa Fe, to enter a two-room store in a building just as old, and then to see a selection of clothing as urbane as one belonging to a city much larger and more modern. In the heart of Santa Fe lies Dust in the Wind, a Santa Fe staple replete with a collection—everything from underwear to jeans to shoes to sunglasses—that owner Yasmine Amir-Moez calls “hip, bohemian, rock ’n’ roller.”
While the selection keeps new customers entering, the selling style keeps locals returning. Shopping at DTW is an interactive, “tactile” experience. Amir-Moez tries to “sell what fits the best, what’s most flattering, what brings out the best features” in her customers. “If it fits you right, you’re going to still like it in a year.” Make that 400.
2 Cupcake Clothing, 328 Montezuma Ave., 988-4744
3 Maya, 108 Galisteo St., 989-7590