by Valerie Plame Wilson
Valerie Plame Wilson’s current notoriety is ironic, given her background as a covert CIA operative. Her life was endangered when her identity was compromised via a leak alleged to have emanated from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney. Seen as retaliation after her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, publicly questioned the Bush administration’s rhetoric on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in 2003, the leak catapulted Plame Wilson into the public arena. Fair Game offers her level-headed perspective on the political machinations behind her own experience and the Iraq war.
Plame Wilson tells SFR her book “is important because it tells the story of the consequences of speaking truth to power [and] how important it is to hold your government to account for its words and deeds.” For her, it is also a personal story, which describes the “petty partisan maneuvering” that destroyed her career.
A resident of Santa Fe for just more than a year, Plame Wilson tells us that she has “never felt so at home in any place.” She looks forward to “being engaged in the community,” to having more leisure time and to puttering in her garden. Her civil suit against Dick Cheney, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Karl Rove and Richard Armitage remains ongoing.
Tales From the Teacher’s Lounge
by Natalie Goldberg