It was recently hypothesized that drivers who embellish their cars with stickers, fuzzy dice, dancing hula ladies and the like are more likely than most to show road rage. By this definition (the accuracy of which is debatable), there are lots of cars in Santa Fe manned by very angry drivers. So, if you have to cover your car with stickers, at least make them good ones. Santa Fe Hemp, the Plaza's staple liberal, crunchy-hippie, peace-loving shop, has supplied Santa Fe with leftward-leaning bumper stickers (and T-shirts, postcards, prayer flags, so on and so forth) since 1997. Express your disdain for George W Bush, proclaim your love for Goddess or tell the world to "Change How You See, Not How You Look"—whatever suits your fancy. If you truly want to "Dance to the Beat of a Different Accordion," as your sticker may say, beat the stereotype by keeping car horns and middle fingers at bay. Maybe your car will even be plastered enough to get printed in SFR's Meme section!