You know how when you have people come in from out of town and they ask you, “Where should we go to get a burger?” Bobcat Bite is what we always tell them. In a town that’s sometimes criticized for pretension, the Bite is refreshingly free of unpronounceable dishes and RC Gorman posters. It’s as if your really uncool Grandma opened a restaurant in her house and all of a sudden you realized, wait, Grandma’s actually the coolest gal I know! Here the waitresses wear T-shirts with bobcats on them, the walls have pictures of bobcats on them—and you will devour a green chile cheeseburger as if you were a starving bobcat! The menu is short and sweet; nothing unpronounceable here (unless your mouth is too full to ask for another milkshake). The burgers are what bring ’em in. Funny thing is, though, that Bobcat Bite doesn’t actually serve fries. (They don’t have a deep fryer.) The Bite’s win in this category, therefore, just means the burger is so good it makes up for the lack of fries.
TIE: Bert's Burger Bowl
235 N. Guadalupe St.
Blake's Lotaburger
3200 Cerrillos Road
Del Charro
101 W. Alameda St.