1 Regal Cinemas Stadium 14
3474 Zafarano Drive
It’s no secret Regal Cinemas Stadium 14 is Santa Fe’s favorite place to catch a flick (as if a structure this gigantic could ever stay a secret). With its stadium seating, comfortable air-conditioning, huge screens and more concessions than most mortals will ever consume in a lifetime of moviegoing, the reasons Regal has been Reporter readers’ pick every year since its opening are no secret either. It might lack the creature comforts or foreign indies of smaller venues, but there’s no denying that a trip to Regal is a movie going experience in the most literal sense of the term. Associate Manager Rachel Griego tells SFR plans are in the works to expand the 3-D capacities of the theaters. Movies such as Up and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs have screened at the stadium in 3-D, and the theater hopes to bring the 3-D experience to more of the screens. Prepare to witness blood and wreckage fly right at you with the next Final Destination flick…though you might want to forego the traditional tub of popcorn and see that one on an empty stomach. (Alex Roberts)
2 The Screen, 1600 St. Michael’s Drive, 505-473-6494
3 Lensic Performing Arts Center, 211 W. San Francisco St., 505-988-1234