1 The Plaza
The construction bid for the big-time work done on the Plaza last winter officially included, among other things, “flagstone demolition” and “shrub installation.” How that translated for locals: Lots of noise, lots of chain-link and, once it was all over, lots of reasons to love the Plaza even more. Santa Fe’s oldest public space is also its most popular, playing host to everyone from guitar-wielding buskers to camera-bedecked tourists.
In addition to being a cool place to hang out whenever, the Plaza also plays host to the Santa Fe Bandstand summer concert series (July 6-Aug. 20), Traditional Spanish and Contemporary Hispanic markets (July 25- 26), the Girls Inc. Arts and Crafts Show (Aug. 1 and 2) and Indian Market (Aug. 22-23), and countless other events that bring out locals and visitors alike.
Pick up a meal from one of the amazing-smelling food carts, shop for jewelry from vendors in the Palace of the Governors Portal program or rest those weary feet after a day of sightseein--just remember to keep off the grass.
2 Santa Fe Railyard Park
3 Frank Ortiz Park (aka The Dog Park)