Honey Harris / KBAC
2502 Camino Entrada, Suite C
Sweet as pie and just as Southern, it’s easy to see why Honey Harris was voted Santa Fe’s favorite radio personality for the second year in a row. “I’ve tried to do other things,” she says, referring to several jaunts she’s made to Los Angeles since she began DJing on the Santa Fe scene in 1992. “But then someone, usually Ira [Gordon, operations director], calls to offer me a job and here I am again.” As the host of The Big Show with Honey Harris every weekday morning on KBAC, she loves playing music and interviewing guests. The worst part of her job, she says, is how early she needs to wake up. “You practically need elephant tranquilizers to get me to bed before midnight,” she says. “But waking up at 5 am is awful.” About winning, she says, “I really didn’t think I was going to. I thought it was just dumb luck last year…There are so many talented DJs. I was very pleasantly surprised and overjoyed. I guess paying off your customers and doing sexual favors really works!” she jokes.
Bobby Box / BIG 98.5
Mary Charlotte Domandi / KSFR
Campus of Santa Fe Community College
Joann Orner (The Lunch Lady) / Blu 102
2502 Camino Entrada, Suite C