The Cowgirl is Santa Fe’s unofficial living room. Let’s take a little tour! Here in the big room are the grown-ups, drinking grown-up drinks and thinking vaguely about eating some of whatever it is that smells so dang delicious. Over here, a band is setting up to play and pushing the tables slightly aside in case folks want to kick up their heels a little. Now here comes a herd of young’uns, stampeding out of the Kiddie Corral and racing through the living room…er…bar, hollering for more quesadillas or chicken fingers or baked potatoes. Say what? Well, of course they mean a heaping, freezing pile of ice cream made to look like a dusty spud—one of the Cowgirl’s specialties. It’s reasons like this that make everyone’s favorite watering hole such a perfect spot to feed and water the kids, too.
Harry's Roadhouse
96-B Old Las Vegas Hwy.
Zia Diner
326 S. Guadalupe St.