When you call Mucho, you’d better take orders for the whole office, because Santa Fe’s favorite sandwich shop delivers and there’s something on this menu to please everyone—from the mail room to the boardroom. For the guy in the blue suit and the red tie, there’s the conservative Turkey and Ham Ranchero (no crazy herb mayo, no red hot chile); for the “free-spirited” receptionist, there’s the Avocado Prima (with plenty of sprouts and absolutely no meat). Sure, most lunch joints in Santa Fe serve sandwiches, but few cover the bases—from melts and grinders to clubs and subs—as well as Mucho. You’ll never be disappointed by some wacko combination that someone thought up on the fly: These sandwiches are time-tested and yummalicious.
Counter Culture Café
930 Baca St.
Carlos' Gospel Café
Design Center
418 Cerrillos Road