What’s most desirable in a tattoo artist? For SFR readers, it’s reliability, according to Mark Vigil, the owner of Four Star Tattoo. “We’re consistent. We place a huge emphasis on quality and we’re dedicated to the craft. We’re there for our clients and focus on excellent customer service as well as careful attention to detail.” Considering the nearly permanent nature of getting ink done, these reassurances are important indeed. Hot themes? “Tribal work, names and kanji, with a definite leaning toward Asian designs. More people are getting bigger work and more carefully thought-out pieces. Also, the stigma is dissolving with the older crowd to the point where we don’t really serve a set demographic. It’s pretty much ages 18 all the way to the 60s or older.” Vigil’s most epic piece—a “body suit” that covers a customer in designs from feet to neck—unfolded over a period of 10 years. Now that’s trust. “We have a very loyal customer base,” Vigil says. “We’re grateful for our clients and the city being good to us.”
H & H Tattoo
1209 Cerrillos Road
1430 Cerrillos Road