When we asked you to tell us the best thing you did this year in Santa Fe, we didn’t know what to expect. Turns out, Santa Feans keep pretty busy taking advantage of all the city—and nature—has to offer. Lots of you cited hiking and skiing as your top experiences of the year. Attending events at the Lensic, Zozobra and Gay Pride also ranked high. Some of you cited personal milestones (getting engaged, married or divorced), while others “went bankrupt,” “grew up” and “turned 50.” You went to the opera, “sat in the sun,” “dated a bad boy” and “heard Chuck D speak on the Plaza.” You went to shows at the Brewing Company, relaxed at Ten Thousand Waves and marched in the Pet Parade. You went to Indian Market, Art Market and the Opera. You “got laid.” And, our personal favorite: You went to a “back yard party with cops, cornhole, fireworks and death match wrestling.” Oh yeah, that does sound fun.
Best Thing You Did in Santa Fe 2008
All Year Long