It's about that time of day again. The time when I strap on my messenger bag, shove my feet into my toe clips and brave the wilds of South Capital. Living in the South Cap hood has its advantages (Kaune's Food Town anyone?) but it can also be treacherous. Most notably during the legislative session when lawmakers wander willy-nilly across Old Santa Fe Trail from the Roundhouse to the Rio Chama. Because I am on a bike, and therefore a quiet vehicle, they do not hear me coming. But I am armed. I have a bell and it scares the crap out of them to see a young woman hauling ass dinging a tiny bell right toward them. It's probably not the smartest game of chicken out there but I figure, these guys are making the laws, they should be forced to follow them. Of course, it's not just the ones on foot who are dangerous. Day One of the session I was nearly hit by both a Jaguar and a Porsche.
Watch out lawmakers! I ding my bell at you!
Addendum: Holy Crap. Watch this video: