After a 32 hour marathon of reporting, and a 3 hour-ish nap and a movie to reorganize my brain, I offer up a visual documentation of the College of Santa Fe's protest(s) at the Roundhouse in support of HB 577 (a number I should probably have tattooed somewhere on my body). Check back Monday for a more coherent written account of what it all means and how students, staff, faculty plan to move forward. SFR also expects to hear more from Santa Fe Mayor David Coss' office about his plans to save the struggling school that, despite not convincing the Senate to hear HB 577, continues to fight.
Before we get to the pictures I want to send out a huge thanks to everyone who participated in the blog (
click here for an archive of the event
), whether by simply keeping tabs on the situation or by speaking up and adding to the dialog, and to the students and faculty who participated in the protest for giving me access to them at all times. Finally, mad love to Dave Maass---my co-blogger who helped create a dynamic online event, fixed my techie problems in a flash and rounded up information from avenues I simply don't have access to or didn't know existed---as well as Vince, David and all the people who brought food and support to the protesters and myself at odd and cold hours of the night.
Now, for the pretty pictures (roughly in the order in which events occurred):
10 am Friday, March 20
We did get Egolf to join us on the life blog for a bit and visited the press room to say hi.
Around 5 pm
Rusalki sings for the crowd.
2 am
Here's where things start to get, well, different. I have to thank Alysha Shaw (former SFR intern and activist extraordinaire) for sharing these awesome pictures.
These dudes showed up at 2 am with a camera and some ghosts leftover from the Meow Wolf installation. After they took pictures the guys left and came back with food! Really yummy food.
8-11 am
Somewhere around 11 am, students broke into chants right about the time session came to an end, their bill still unheard.