...or, stand tall if you give a shit.
That's right cats and kittens, it's time to quit waiting around for the legislature to make a move on the possible acquisition of the College of Santa Fe.
10 am sharp. Friday morning. The east side of the Roundhouse.
Show your support.
According to an email from Santa Fe city spokeswoman Laura Banish, Mayor David Coss is scheduled to join CSF protesters who are working to urge the Senate Finance Committee to hear HB 577, Representative Lucky Varela's bill to allow for a state acquision of the College of Santa Fe. The bill passes the Senate Finance Committee by a unanimous vote earlier in the session. Banish tells SFR that the Mayor was not aware that CSF was on spring break this week but feels that the rally is necessary to show Senate Finance Committee chair Senator John Arthur Smith the importance of this issue to Santa Fe.
In the press release issued by Mayor Coss' office, Coss says, "The College of Santa Fe is too important to our community to let it go. In these challenging economic times, it's more important now than ever to invest in our community. The repercussions of letting the College of Santa Fe dissolve will have negative impacts far into the future, beyond the current economic recession. We're asking that the democratic process be used to let this bill be heard and move this bill forward before the legislative session ends.”
The legislative session comes to an end at noon this Saturday.
HB 577 needs to go through the Senate Finance Committee and a vote on the Senate floor before the end of the session in order for the acquisition to take place.