The College of Santa Fe's hopes and dreams for a future are embodied in a short bill, dropped by the loveable, if-I-lived-in-any-other-state-I'd-be-a-mobster, Luciano "Lucky" Varela.
details the
blunt conditions under which any particular New Mexico State University can acquire the Santa Fe campus, and then do with it what it pleases. One stipulation is that any such proposal (and obviously the only contender is New Mexico Highlands) would be reviewed by an ad hoc committee, made up six members. Most members would be representing interested state goverment factions, but the group would include local representation in the form of "the mayor of Santa Fe or the mayor's designee."
City of Santa Fe Public Information Officer Laura Banish told SFR that such a duty will not be foisted off on an emissary, saying "Mayor Coss is concerned about CSF's future and has been following this issue closely and said he would serve on the committee himself."
And, lest anyone be in any doubt about Mayor Coss' ability to sway a committee through any means necessary, this is a page one Google image search result for "David Coss":