Well, someone's out to get Santa Fe City Councilor Chris Calvert... From
Full text after the jump.
Need City Councilor Chris Calvert lookalike
Reply to: gigs-938353046@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-11-29, 2:35PM MST
Looking for a Chris Calvert lookalike for an adult film to be shot in next 10 days.
Major adult studio.
Please send pix, stats etc. ASAP
Pay: $3000-5000
Must give anal to the featured star playing the City of Santa Fe. In the film's climax you go fuck yourself. It's a self-snuff/porno film. No acting skills required -- just plenty of graft.
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: $3000-5000 plus we replenish your coke supply daily
PostingID: 938353046