Ninety days and counting for Judge Gallegos…
Fran Gallegos' eyes filled with tears after the verdict was read. Presumably the embattled Municipal Court judge was lamenting the fact that the New Mexico Supreme Court had just suspended her for 90 days with pay while the Judicial Standards Commission investigates charges of misconduct. (Question: Whose documents do we have to allegedly alter to get a three-month paid vacation around here anyway?)
Still, it would be a shame if Gallegos spent her time pining for the courtroom while gorging on Chunky Monkey and watching Law & Order reruns.
So we offer instead these suggestions for The Top 10 Ways Gallegos can spend the next three months.
Co-host radio show with former Muni Judge Tom Fiorina titled "Cross Fired."
Camp out at Fort Marcy Park a week early to get a really good seat to watch Zozobra. Help stuff Old Man Gloom with old court documents.
Get Judge Judy's agent on the phone. Point out superior sense of style and makeup.
Purchase "Can Fran" artwork from longtime critic Felipe "Can Fran" Cabeza de Vaca. Sell to raise money for legal fees.
Catch up on online reading-the comments section of The New Mexican's articles about this case should take weeks to get through.
Enlist court administrator Mary Ann Caldwell for a Cagney & Lacey-style television pilot called Fran & Mary Ann in which two crime-fighting heroes roam the streets of Santa Fe in pursuit of that mysterious white maintenance truck spiriting off municipal court documents.
Re-enter the Santa Fe mayoral race. Run as the "Hell, I got nothing better to do" candidate.
Pick up some extra money by asking ex-husband Michael Trujillo for work at Gryphon Group Protective Services.
Call Judicial Standards Commission Director Jim Noel at home and ask him if his refrigerator is running. If he says yes, tell him he better go catch it.
Show up to work on Friday. Announce to replacement judge Sonya Carrasco-Trujillo that you've given yourself credit for four days served and suspended the remaining 86 days.