The utility doors near a number of popular galleries on Palace Avenue have seen a lot of change this week. Their latest adornment was made some time last night, presumably in protest of the unapproved mural's removal.---
"EXTERIOR DECORATER" is now written on the double doors that lead to trashcans. The artist is not affiliated with Eggman and Walrus.
The original mural of a person meditating beneath a psychedelic crest, which went up Sunday, was painted over Wednesday, after nearby gallery owners complained about it not receiving approval from the Historic Design Review Board. The mural took Trent Taylor, 21, 16 hours to paint, but only minutes to be painted back to the doors' flat black/brown color.
SFR called Evan Glassman, owner of Eggman and Walrus, with which Taylor is affiliated. He has not yet seen the addition. "I have no idea. I had nothing to do with anything that happened," he says.