Show us what has left the back of your eyelids burning. Send pictures of visual trespass and peculiarities to copyeditor [at], subject "eyedropper."
Scrawled defiantly on the utilitarian gray walls of the government's newest Paseo de Peralta edifice, the Ministry of Love, is the ever-more-lonely voice of protest. It is the voice of the proletariat, and he says, "Fascisto."
Times are hard and few can muster the courage to comment on, let alone criticize, our local government's intensifying descent into fascism. First it was the forced uniformity of adobe walls, then the requisite daily Zia Pledge, then the Buy Local for the Good of the State Mandate—the human spirit can only handle so much.
So, lone-wolf prole, we salute you and your rebel courage. Please let this not be a misspelling of "fashionista."