Hey remember when Jesus bore the cross, you know, carried it on his damn back all that way just to be crucified upon it? Yeah? Well those days are gone. And what of it? Well, even with the help of the eviscerated economy, religious observance is down and the state of the world's religions is in decline.
Perhaps if the various holy leaders would show just a little more effort, denominations everywhere could get out of this funk. For example, look at this cross. It is being carried all lackadaisically and effortlessly in the bed of a truck. No sweat or blood, just a few levers to be pressed and voilá! But you've got to give to get, so if religion is to be saved, there needs to be some effort. Take some advice from Jesus Christ and earn your following. Hope you had a happy Good Friday, Easter, Passover...oh yeah, happy Thomas Jefferson's B-Day!