Thanks to Charlotte Montferret Jusinski III for collecting this image within the cavernous GC3. I'm a big fan of hyper-dramatic advertising, like that anti-pot commercial, which for the first five minutes appears to be discussing crystal meth—the one I'm talking about is along the lines of "I wouldn't
beat up my mom..."
Therefore, I love this ad. Two faults though, No. 1: Naturally, anyone who refuses to enter the water, for any reason, will be ridiculed because what other reason does said person have for not diving in other than, of course, diarrhea. No. 2: Upon viewing this poster, everyone will assume there's an epidemic of some super-diarrhea that is easily transferable via pool water. Because of well-deserved fear, no one will enter the pool and thus everyone will de facto have diarrhea according to their friends who will relentlessly tease them.
So GC3, do the responsible thing and pretend this awful business doesn't exist. It will save everyone a lot of trouble.
P.S. There are other things you "don't want to share."