Seemingly straight out of Orwell's dystopian
nomenclature, comes a maddening brand of clothes called Society For Rational Dress, found at Unity. The offending brand makes a $443 cardigan that wields more irony/cruelty than the Eyedropper can stand.
Even if Unity's staff tells me the cardigan is made from some kind or other of rare/soft/expensive/exotic material and even if it's a pretty sweet looking cardigan and even if the brand's website state's its original purpose was to "do away with the constricting and deforming garments typical to the Victorian era" in the 1800s (it's safe to say such an objective is now defunct), the Eyedropper still finds $443 for a piece of clothing—that doesn't feed me and do my taxes and get me across town—absolutely irrational.
Here is a list of things on which the Eyedropper has spent less than $443 dollars:
- two months' rent and utilities (not in Santa Fe)
- plane tickets to another continent
- a whole car
- an Apple laptop
- a bike, a year's worth of repairs for said bike, a helmet, and medical fees for falling off said bike