[Editor's note: This week's Eyedropper will be interrupted for a brief letter to God.]
Dear God, I have been very blessed this week and have many
things for which to be thankful
I'm thankful for
Aryana Potter
and that she was intrepid enough to dare take this photo at the
lowrider car show
this month at the Santa Fe Lowe's.
I'm thankful that when Nuevo Mexico
caught Potter taking her photo
, Nuevo Mexico left Potter's camera and, more importantly, this image intact.
I'm thankful for lowriders, the people who ride around in them and the
people who like to look at lowriders
and the people who ride around in them.
I'm thankful for Spanish translations of
I'm thankful for
tattoos, designer purses and cell phones
with cameras.
I'm thankful for
short shorts
, especially blue ones.
I'm thankful that when I wanted to get "
Thug Life
" written in the very same spot, my mom hit me.
Yours Truly,