The Santa Fe New Mexican's Tom Sharpe
this morning that the New Mexico Free Press is ceasing publication for unexplained reasons. Whether it was lambasting Barack Obama's fascist-socialist takeover in lunatic columns "
," re-running Andy Rooney and Dave Barry's most stale material or deliberately putting a far-right spin on the most innocuous community news stories, the Free Press was truly a unique addition to Santa Fe's media landscape.
It will be missed. By someone. The editor's mother, maybe?
Lately the Free Press had taken to a subject near to this reporter's heart: the local economy. True, when it came to the financial issues facing most Santa Feans, the Free Press showed all the news judgment of a charter member in Joe the Plumber's Official Fan Club. But the paper from time to time showed some accidental insight, as it did with these encouraging words by reporter and columnist Brad Buck:
More after the cut.
This was from the Nov. 4 issue. Buck writes:
If everyone would just stop being so lazy, this recession could be over tomorrow!
invites Buck to let us know how his job search pans out in the weeks and months
In the meantime, he'll have plenty of time to
Oops. Sharpe reports that Buck has already taken a job with Santa Fe Public Schools. Which still means more time
catch up on Dancing With The Stars
. Lucky duck.