I've always considered myself a bit of a geek. Music geek, language geek, movie geek, book geek...the list goes on and on. But on Wednesday night (at
) at
, I got schooled. Seriously schooled. My years of
did nothing to help.
Pulled from the house by SFR editor Julia Goldberg's guest trivia-mistress spot I rolled up late (things kick off at 8:00*, I got there at 9) and found myself in the midst of a political trivia session. Actually, I did pretty well with Goldberg's questions, but I think working at the paper for five years was a bit of a help, sneaking an answer to D-Listed even though I wasn't "officially" on the team.
The next two rounds however, no dice. Round 6, Random Science Knowledge--which Geeks Who Drinks host Alex DeVore describes quite nicely on his
(about halfway down the page, under the picture of the guy in the Carnegie Mellon hoodie)--was damn near impossible. These weren't the kind of questions that I thought, "If only I'd paid more attention in eighth grade science class..." these guys stumped the Chemistry PhD who sat next to me.
"OK," I thought, "science isn't for me." But Round 7 was no better. DeVore played movie clip sound files from his computer and I got exactly one right off the bat,
(great flick by the way, check it out). Even the "easy" ones (
Dark Knight Returns
), movies I've seen, I couldn't place.
Admittedly, this little blow to the ego was too much, and I split for the punk rock tunes of DJ Hardcorn (who rocked a sweet
shirt by the way) at The Madator.
Will I geek out again? Probably, but first I've got some studying to do!
*Update: I originally said things kick off at 8:30 and now find out it starts at 8:00. No wonder I felt like I was walked into something that was already in full swing. (Also, totally stole Slate's design for fixing errors. Nice.)