Summer seems the perfect time to join an amateur sports league and spend sunny afternoons out on the field. But for many sports, such as softball and baseball, summer registration has already closed. For sports like rugby and volleyball, the spring season is almost over. So what does that leave for adults who want to get in the game now? Soccer is the big one, but Santa Fe has
opportunities for tennis and golf as well.
Santa Fe Adult Soccer League
About: The Santa Fe Adult Soccer League has over 500 players and organizes multiple leagues that play throughout the year, including a men's league, a women's league, a co-ed league and an over-45 senior league.
Join: There is an annual $36 membership fee to join the umbrella organization, and different leagues within the organization have varying registration fees ranging from free to $65 a season. Different leagues have different registration dates as well, and many are still open for summer. Visit sfas.leagueapps.com/leagues to register.
When/Where: Practices and games happen at Salvador Perez Park at St. Francis and Alta Vista and at multiple school fields around the city; check the league website for schedules.
Santa Fe Adult Baseball League
About: The Santa Fe Adult Baseball League is all-ages, coed and open to anyone. The summer season is already underway, but the fall season, which starts in August, is open to registration for individuals and is accepting new teams now.
Join: There is an annual $300 flat-rate membership fee per team for the fall season. Teams must have a minimum of 10 players, a manager or coach, and must provide their own uniforms. Call 470-4997 or email izheonfire@gmail.com.
PlayYourCourt Santa Fe Tennis Meetup
About: PlayYourCourts is a national online membership-based organization that matches tennis players with coaches and other players at your level. Regional organizers schedule group practice sessions and Challenge League matches.
Join: $4.99 monthly membership fee. Visit meetups.com to find the local practice session schedule. Register at playyourcourt.com/tennis-community/santa-fe-nm/meetup.
The Santa Fe Golf Meetup
About: Not affiliated with any official league or membership organization, this meetup is open to golfers of all ages and skill levels. Check meetup.com/The-Santa-Fe-Golf-Meetup for upcoming events.