There has been perhaps no greater indication of the desperation shoppers feel this year than the Black Friday death of a New York Walmart employee, who was stampeded by bargain hunters (the story also may provide definitive proof that Sartre was right and hell really is other people).
Indeed, times are grim.
Close to 2 million jobs have been lost already this year, the auto industry—like the banking and credit industries—won’t sur- vive without federal assistance and the recession is being characterized by major economists as a “collapse.”
Let’s go shopping!
But, seriously, as was noted in one of our stories on Santa Fe’s economy a few weeks ago, the best way to handle uncertain economic times is not to panic and, in our opinion, to spend your money wisely.
That’s why this Gift Guide offers 100 gift ideas, all under $100 . More impor- tantly, all our picks can be found at local businesses, so your money stays in Santa Fe (and you avoid being trampled in Big Box Hell).
SFR’s commitment to local businesses extends beyond this gift guide. We also are participating in a national effort from alternative newsweeklies to encourage local spending. Commit to spending $100 at locally owned stores this holiday season, and you will be automatically entered to win $500 in gift certificates from independent and local merchants and restaurants (e-mail “I PLEDGE” to advertising@sfreporter.com to participate).
Shopping locally isn’t just better for the economy, it’s better for your psyche. We found loads of fun and unique products, many of local origina-
tion and numerous ones that are environmentally conscious. We also offer a few ideas for gifts that benefit local nonprofits.
Speaking of nonprofits, we also want to thank so many of you for participating in our food drive this season for The Food Depot, and our collection
of household items for Esperanza Shelter for Battered Families. Please keep those donations coming for those in our community who are in real need. Santa Feans’ generosity remains one of the defining characteristics of this city. Now go buy yourself something pretty!
—Julia Goldberg
Gift Guide Contents in .pdf files: