A bizarre rumor washed up on the shores of Reporter Beach last week: former state Sen. John Grubesic was considering challenging Rep. Brian Egolf in the 2010 Democratic primaries. We found this unlikely because a) not many folks choose to leave office then run for lower office and b) based on what he told SFR for his
, running for the senate may have been the worst decision of his life.
Nevertheless, we had to ask him anyway. Here's the
SFR: It's going around that you might challenge Egolf in 2010. Any truth to that? Any thoughts on running for office again in 2010?
JG: Definitely on my list of priorities...right after getting a “natural” root canal, learning to crochet and climbing Everest barefooted. Politics is a game for the rich. I have two mortgage payments (until and if my SF house ever sells) that I struggle to make and I am starting my law career from scratch in Albuquerque. I also promised my wife that if I ever ran again (after giving her 24 hours to file the divorce papers) that it would be for an office that had a salary. I have been asked to run for a couple of different things, but haven't committed to anything. I think politics is stale in New Mexico. It is the same old hacks (or their kids) playing the same old game with the same old scum buying and selling them. Now after Richardson gets indicted...