At the Secretary of State's office last week, I couldn't help but scan down the visitor's list. I only recognized one name:
, never-quite-off-the-ground 2008 Democratic Senate candidate and 9-11 Truth Activist. Until a few months ago, Lehrman was also editor of the Sun News, taking Barack Obama to task for the foreign experts he was consulting.
There aren't any major races coming up, so why was Lehrman at the SOS's office? Was he filing a complaint, a public information request, applying for a job?
We e-mailed him, and it turns out he registered a lobbyist on behalf of Mother Media (his Web site/organizations). His legislative agenda after the jump.
Lehland Lehrman's Legislative Agenda:
"I will be joining the fight against the many nuclear mining and nuclear/coal energy bills that are slated for this session and floating a resolution of my own describing a better strategy for powering New Mexico and the country, while also making better financial and environmentally safer use of public lands: concentrating solar with storage, responsible wind, biomass combined heat and power and financing incentives for distributed solar. With Drilling Santa Fe, we will also be challenging Oil & Gas' new bill which will strip counties of all the rights to manage oil and gas drilling in their areas. This bill is specifically designed to remove the protections put in place by Santa Fe County in response to huge public outcry over drilling in the Galisteo Basin, where I live.
"I will also be challenging the Permanent Fund's investment parameters, which make it easy to invest on Wall Street and in junk bonds but harder to invest in New Mexicans, to whom the money actually belongs. This money, $11 Billion or so, down from $15 Billion, was lost through the irresponsible absolute faith in "Wall Street," which faith and legitimacy should now be challenged such that New Mexico's inheritance
is not devalued again.
"Finally, I will be joining the many ethics reform challenges this session, including a bill - apparently under consideration by freshman senator and friend of Senator Ortiz y Pino, Eric Griego - which would restrict campaign and PAC contributions from companies seeking to business with the state, like CDR and the other scandalous GRIP related pay to play operators currently in the news."