New Mexico's State Investment Officer Gary Bland (left) has filed a response to
Frank Foy's whistleblower lawsuit
. And it contains an eye-catching quote.
Woah! Why don't you tell us what you really think?
But let's get this straight: How is Foy like McCarthy?
Frank Foy: A former investment officer for a state teachers' retiree fund.
Joseph McCarthy: A deceased US Senator from Wisconsin.
Foy: Claims he was "railroaded" out of his job after refusing to invest with a company that had donated large sums to the governor—investments that later cost the state $90 million.
McCarthy: Ostracized upstanding citizens as suspected Communist traitors in a paranoid purge that eventually made his name shorthand for one of the darkest periods in 20th-Century America.
Well, that pretty much settles it. What other conclusions are left to draw, by this logic? It seems that Gary Bland is a Communist, or at least a fellow-traveler.