Anson Stevens-Bollen
News, July 31: “Dashing for Documents”
Classic Example
The story is a classic example of government employees engaged in "data hugging." We note that Cynthia Whiting is the city's public records custodian. The culture in City Hall needs to be changed. Let's begin by changing Ms. Whiting's job title to "Public Records Custodian and Provider."
Kudos to the SFR for hanging tough in the pursuit of The People's Data.
Tom Johnson
It's the People's Data Project
The Hard Way
It's interesting how city officials still haven't realized they're being closely watched by residents. You'd think they'd have figured it out by now, and not pull this kind of BS. Punch 'em in the pocketbook with fines.
Serin Gufreda
via Facebook
Letters, July 31: “What’s the Plan”
Don’t Sour the Meal
To add a category of Free Stuff to the Best of Santa Fe is really scary. These nonprofits that work hard to support our underprivileged do the best they can with the resources they have at hand. How awful it would be to have a homeless person grumble because he/she was only able to score a meal at a nominated Best of SF soup kitchen. That would surely sour the meal. And of course, the volunteers would feel less appreciated [in] their work and contributions.
Dwight Strong
Santa Fe
The Fork, July 25: Keep it Clean
I realize that The Fork is meant to be fun and lighthearted, but I'm puzzled by your endorsement of the Impossible Burger and the genetically engineered salmon.
There are many red flags surrounding the Impossible Burger. Genetically engineered and GMO are synonymous. … Humanity does not need to remake what nature made and the planet already provides everything required to live a healthy life. When our focus is on what is going well on the planet instead of buying into fear-based schemes we have a higher quality of life.
Kimberly Duran