NOTE: In previous emails I wrote that this link would not change for the live blog, however I have created a new page in order for the date to change. This page still works for watching and participating in the live blog, but otherwise the page will not be updated. Please
to go to the more recent post. Apologies for the inconvenience.
This is a page for the
live blog of the Senate debate over
, the bill to abolish death penalty in New Mexico.
Thing is--We don't know exactly when it will be heard on the Senate floor, the last stop before the governor's desk. Check back regularly.
This may end up all being the live blog
, the rule to Web cast Senate floor sessions.
We've got everything set up after the jump: live audio feed, live blog, important links. Email davem @ with any questions or if you would like to schedule a slot on our live blog panel. Thank you so much.
UPDATE 7am March 13: Web casting is item #17 and the death penalty repeal bill is item #43 on today's calendar (
). In both cases that's further down the list than yesterday, though that doesn't necessarily mean anything. The Senate tends to jump around the calendar.
UPDATE 7pm March 12: SFR and the New Mexico Independent will be live for the floor session starting tentatively when the Senate convenes.
UPDATE 10am March 12: We're hearing that the Senate could debate the repeal of the death penalty as early as 2pm today. If so, we'll be live blogging it.
UPDATE 1:53 pm March 12: Received call from the office of Rep. Gail Chasey the sponsor of the bill: they are also hearing it *might* be heard this afternoon. Earlier, we were hearing 2pm, and Sen. Michael Sanchez reportedly stopped by the press room early this morning to tease the media that it *could* be heard today.
UPDATED 3:50pm March 12: Sen. Sanchez is closing the floor session. No debate on death penalty or web casting. We'll try again tomorrow, however Sanchez has indicated that tomorrow will be a short floor session.
* Text of the bill (
* Fiscal Impact Report, which is kinda like a summary (
Audio feed below the live blog.
Or here:
Senators' votes in committees
Senate Judiciary Committee on HB 285
Yay: Cisco McSorley (D), Tim Eichenberg (D), Linda Lopez (D), Bernadette Sanchez (D), Michael Sanchez (D), Peter Wirth (D),
Nay: Clinton Harden (R), Richard Martinez (D), William Payne (R), Sander Rue (R), John Ryan (R)
Senate Public Affairs on HB 285
Yay: Dede Feldman (D), Tim Eichenberg (D), Mary Jane Garcia (D), Eric Griego (D), Cynthia Nava (D),
Nay: Vernon Asbill (R), Gay Kernan (R)
Excused: Mark Boitano (R), George Munoz (D)