completely out of context, too.
: Redmond is turning this into a fight-the-feds thing. "It will only breach the religious rights of New Mexicans under an international treaty."
barbwire: Can we vote on the rights of Norwegian-American males too?
Gwyneth Doland: "Finally some real drama!" says Susan Loubet of KUNM's Women's Focus, who is sitting behind me in the press room.
Corey: I'm confused...which God person is right? "Not all Christians fear this bill," she says.
: Domestic partnerships will save the New Mexico economy!
Gwyneth Doland
: We are very pleased to have the contributions of our guests but if this devolves into a backseat squabble I will reach back there and smack you all senseless!
: "Marriage is not necessarily a good thing," Norma says. DANGER! PELIGRO! TRUTH SPOKEN AT GOVERNMENT HEARING.
: Don't eat the shrimp!
: Spotted on the floor: Steve Terrell chomping heartily on his pen.
Gwyneth Doland
: I WISH it were David Cross speaking right now!
: Stefanics talks about a friend whose same-sex DP died. Says the cops wouldn't even talk to the DP to sort out the affairs. That's totally screwed up. Why don't people call the papers when that kind of stuff happens?
Gwyneth Doland
: Man, we are missing out on a great drinking game. Culture Wars Bingo!
: House minority staffers aren't feeling too good about this. One in particular decided she had to get it off her chest: She stopped reading the Santa Fe Reporter after we ran an ad of a topless guy with another topless guy in our V-day issue.
: Man...all this testimony in favor of committed relationships. What about people who sleep around and screw up all their relationships? What about their rights
: My unit is ying-yang and proud of it!
Gwyneth Doland
: This hearing is starting to infringe upon my right to have margaritas and miniburgers at Rio Chama.
For the full transcript,
, yo.