OK, if you've been following this blog, as you should be, you've seen that I've been busy as can be this week! Teaching classes, hanging out at the Roundhouse, uncovering all the latest on CSF. And I'll keep doing that but you know what else I'm going to do? Have some fun. And you should too.
Don't give me that "but the economy is bad" excuse for staying home either. Tonight at 6:00 at
(624 Agua Fria Ave.) three local badass musicians, David Dunn, William Fowler Collins and Martin Back, will blow your mind with the new sounds they've been working on by giving you the gift---that's right, this show is free---of art. These guys are all pretty well known in the avant garde circles of Santa Fe because their music is, well, kinda out there. They're sound artists as much as they are musicians and their sounds bounce along the aural spectrum from the benign to the aggressive. It's been awhile since I've seen any of these fellas perform and I've got to say, it's been too damn long!
Miss this show and I might not be your Facebook friend anymore. Sucka.
6 pm
Saturday, Feb. 21
Santa Fe Complex
624 Agua Fria Ave.
FREE!!!! (I bet they'll take a donation though if you're feeling generous and supporting the arts does feel good.)