OK, I know we're Santa Fe and we shouldn't mess around with Albuquerque politics, but tomorrow is election day and...I can't help myself. This is, hands down, the silliest 11th hour appeal I've ever read from a candidate. You may need to click to enlarge.
For the search engine crawlers, here's the text of Mayor Marty Chavez's 10pm, election eve tweet:
OK, so set aside for a moment that the Mayor of Albuquerque is writing messages to us as if we were 15 year olds. That's just annoying and a little bit pathetic. One could even argue it encourages illiteracy. But, no, let's not go there. Let's analyze.
Mayor Chavez spells out "tomorrow" not once, but twice, a totally of 16 characters. In order to pay for his double helping of tomorrow, he steals six letters from you and yours. He collects another eight letters by gutting Albuquerque. Then he cuts corners with the prepositions and leaves a single unspent character. Technically, he can claim he's a pay-as-you-go type of Tweeter, who can come in under budget to boot.
Call me capricious, but if I was a voter teetering between Chavez and challenger Richard Romero, this slimy tweet the night before would've pushed me over. But maybe I'm reading too much into it.... (ba-dum-dum).