GEODEcadent II by Meow Wolf
5 pm
Thursday June 17
Through July 3
Linda Durham Contemporary Arts
1807 Second St.
By Intern Drew Lenihan
Geodesic domes are structures that have the potential to be used as a number of different things, whether they be places to garden or, if you're a struggling artist, a humble art space. Hell, you could even start putting your art all over the outside of the dome, making the whole thing an artistic experiment and an easy way to piss off your neighbors.
While your average Santa Fean would decide to sell off his or her junk and then make the dome a place for growing salad greens and marijuana, we thankfully have the ambitious minds over at Meow Wolf to take the dome to its full potentiality as a venue and canvas for artistic endeavors. This month, the rogue collective over on Second Street reaffirms how cool a geodesic dome can be when the kids presents
GEODEcadent II
, their art installation in the main gallery space at Linda Durham Contemporary Arts.
Last year Meow Wolf members built the metal frame work of the dome in their art space and then threw on top whatever they could find around town. This year, as a more formal project, the mixed-media art of Mattew King, Caity Kennedy, Emily Montoya, Benji Geary, Chris Hilson, Quinn Thincher, Dave McPherson and Sean DiIanni appears among the junk of the dome.
Starting May 25, with just the metal skeleton of the dome, the eight artists from Meow Wolf attached their art along with various junk to the structure. On June 4, the exhibit opened to the public; the artists will continue to add more miscellaneous items such as bicycles, TVs and couches until the June 17 reception.
Until the show's end in July, gallery-goers are all invited to party and dance inside and around the interactive junk amoeba. In addition to the reception at which the artists will be present, there are sure to be other soirées in the spontaneous Meow Wolf fashion under the junk while the show is running. Celebrate the individual art found on the dome as well as the collective nature of the project.