US Center for Disease Control study
just came out quantifying the country's obesity problem by state and ethnicity.
New Mexico, despite all the enchiladas, comes down towards the middle-low end of the spectrum with 25.2 of the state's population classified as obese. OK, one in four is actually not a low ratio at all, but we're on par with the rest of the country. We're not at the top of the list, which, I guess is good. I wonder if the obese people just tumble down from Colorado into New Mexico.
The press release was titled (unfortunately) "New Obesity Data Shows Blacks Have the Highest Rates of Obesity." Here's the key stat: "Blacks had 51 percent higher prevalence of obesity, and Hispanics had 21 percent higher obesity prevalence compared with whites."
Is it just me or does the tone smack of mild racial superiority?
Locally here's how that breaks down:
Less than 20 percent of white people in New Mexico are obese.
25-29 percent Hispanic people in New Mexico are obese.
30-34 percent of African-Americans in New Mexico are obese