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Archdiocese of Santa Fe
This list contains names of priests, deacons and seminarians accused of sexual abuse of children in the archdiocese, last updated on Aug. 24, 2018. Download the list.
Fr. Augustine Abeywickrema (Deceased)
St. Bernadette, Albuquerque; 1963-1971
Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; 1971-1977
Sacred Heart, Albuquerque; 1977-1984
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos; 1984-1987
St. Anne, Tucumcari; 1987-1990
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1990-1991
St. Alice, Mountainair; 1991-1993
Fr. Marvin Archuleta (living)
Holy Cross, Santa Cruz; 1970-1978
Fr. Paul Baca (deceased)
Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; 1949-1950
St. Joseph, Anton Chico; 1950-1955
San Juan Nepomuceno, El Rito; 1955-1958
Our Lady of Sorrows, Bernalillo; 1958-1965
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1965-1979
Risen Savior, Albuquerque; 1979-2000
Fr. Donald Bean (deceased)
San Miguel, Socorro; 1963-1965
Queen of Heaven; 1965-1968
San Miguel, Socorro; 1968-1969
Chaplain, University of Albuquerque; 1969
Fr. Earl Bierman (deceased)
Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; 1961-1962
Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Santa Fe; 1962-1965
Fr. Bernard Bissonnette (deceased)
St. Anne, Santa Fe; 1966-1968
St. Alice, Mountainair; 1968-1973
Newman Center, Las Vegas; 1973-1975
Leave of absence; 1975-1976
Chaplain, New Mexico Boys School, Springer; 1976-1979
St. Bernadette, Albuquerque; 1979-1981
**Seminarian Rudy Blea (living)
In Formation for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe 1969-1976
Fr. Wilfred Bombardier (deceased)
Blessed Sacrament, Albuquerque; 1954-1958
St. Charles Borromeo, Albuquerque; 1966-1970
Fr. Laurence Brett (deceased)
St. Charles Borromeo, Albuquerque; 1966
St. Therese, Albuquerque; 1966-1967
Br. Luis Brouseau (living)
St. Michael's High School, Santa Fe; 1963-1967, 1969-1971
Fr. Ronald Bruckner (living)
Assumption & St. Pius X High School, Albuquerque; 1965-1967
Queen of Heaven, Alb. & IHM Seminary, Santa Fe; 1967-1968
St. Pius High School, Albuquerque; 1968-1971
Chaplain, College of Santa Fe; 1971-1972
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos; 1972-1978
Office of Family Life ASF, Albuquerque; 1978-1980
Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque; 1980-1987
Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque; 1987-2005
Br. Marr Burbach (living)
Benedictine Monastery, Pecos; 1960s
Fr. Walter Cassidy (deceased)
Sacred Heart, Albuquerque; 1942
St. Anthony, Peñasco; 1942-1943
St. Anthony, Pecos; 1943-1944
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Sapello; 1944-1950
Sacred Heart, Española; 1950-1964
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque; 1964-1977
St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa; 1977-1983
San Jose, Albuquerque; 1983-1987
Fr. Charles Charron (living)
Our Lady of the Assumption, Jemez Springs; 1963-1965
Albert Chavez (deceased)
St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa; 1947-1948
St. Gertrude the Great, Mora; 1948-1954
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Taos; 1954-1961
St. Bernadette, Albuquerque; 1961-1969
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe; 1969-1970
Immaculate Conception, Tome; 1970
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Peralta; 1970-1977
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Truth or Consequences; 1977-1982
Fr. Johnny Lee Chavez (living)
San Jose, Albuquerque; 1976-1979
Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, Santa Fe; 1979-1987
St. Francis, Ranchos de Taos; 1987-1995
Temporary Administrator:
St. Anthony, Questa; 1992
Sacred Heart, Española; 1993
San Antonio, Peñasco; 1993
St. Anthony, Pecos; 1995-1997
Estancia Valley, Moriarty; 1997-1999
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1999-2011
Sangre de Cristo, Albuquerque; 2011-2014
Br. Andrew Abdon (deceased)
St. Michael's High School, Santa Fe; 1944-1947, 1950-1971,1973-1977
Fr. David Clark (deceased)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque; 1966-1967
Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque; 1967-1969
St. Francis Xavier, Albuquerque; 1969-1971
St. Bernadette, Albuquerque; 1971-1972
Nativity of Mary, Alameda; 1972-1975
Chaplain, Vegas Grande Rest Home, Las Vegas; 1975-1979
Fr. Henry Clark (deceased)
St. Anne, Santa Fe; 1951-1957
Fr. Octavio Coggiola (deceased)
San Jose, Albuquerque; 1952
Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; 1952-1953
St. Michael's High School, Santa Fe; 1953-1955
Chancellor, Archdioscese of Santa Fe; 1955-1959
Annunciation Parish, Albuquerque; 1959-1968
Fr. Leon Corpuz (living)
Chaplain State Hospital, Las Vegas; 1973-1985
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1974-1985
Santa Clara, Wagon Mound; 1985-1988
St. Joseph, Springer; 1988-1994
Fr. Leo Courcy (living)
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1967-1968
St. Pius X High School, Albuquerque; 1968-1969
St. Francis Xavier, Clayton; 1969-1970
Fr. Barry Finbar Coyle (deceased)
Cathedral of St. Francis, Santa Fe; 1959-1966
St. Peter, Roswell; 1966
Cathedral of St. Francis, Santa Fe; 1966-1974
Fr. Ed Donelan (deceased)
Cristo Rey, Santa Fe; 1956-1957
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1957
Holy Trinity, Arroyo Seco; 1957-1958
Chaplain, New Mexico Boys School, Springer; 1958-1970
Hacienda de Los Muchachos; 1970-1977
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe; 1977
St. Joseph, Mosquero; 1977-1979
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Taos; 1979-1982
St. Patrick, Raton; 1982
St. Alice, Mountainair; 1982-1984
Our Lady of the Ascension, Albuquerque; 1984-1986
Immaculate Conception, Cimarron; 1986-1987
St. Joseph, Springer; 1987-1990
Chaplain, Lovelace Hospital, Albuquerque; 1990-1994
Fr. John Esquibel (living)
St. Eleanor, Ruidoso; 1964-1966
Nativity of Mary, Alameda; 1966
Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque; 1966-1969
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque; 1969-1970
Leave for Study, Palo Alto; 1970
Hospital Chaplain, UNMH, Albuquerque; 1971
San Jose, Albuquerque; 1971-1972
Leave for Study, UNM, Albuquerque; 1972-1974
San Isidro, Santa Fe; 1974-1978
St. Edwin, Albuquerque; 1978-1979
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1979-1983
San Clemente, Los Lunas; 1983-1992
Fr. Dan Farris (living)
Most Holy Rosary, Albuquerque; 1967-1969
Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; 1969-1973
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1973-1974
San Miguel, Socorro; 1974
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1974-1976
Estancia Valley, Moriarty; 1976-1983
Our Lady of Belen, Belen; 1983-1989
San Martin de Porres, Albuquerque; 1989-2001
Fr. Anthony Gallegos (deceased)
St. Anne, Tucumcari; 1963-1966
San Miguel, Socorro; 1966-1968
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1968-1969
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1969
St. Francis Xavier, Clayton; 1969-1972
Fr. Robert Galli (deceased)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Taos; 1948
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Peñasco; 1948-1949
St. Anthony, Pecos; 1949-1950
Our Lady of Sorrows, La Joya; 1950-1952
San Juan Nepomuceno, El Rito; 1952-1954
St. John the Baptist, Santa Fe; 1954-1970
St. Anne, Albuquerque; 1970-1985
Deacon Hector Garcia (living)
Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; 1981-1984
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1984-1989
Fr. Ruben Garcia (living)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque; 1973-1974
San Miguel, Socorro; 1974-1975
Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; 1975-1976
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque;1976-1977
St. Anthony, Dixon; 1977-1978
Fr. Paul Greenwell (deceased)
Sacred Heart, Albuquerque; 1954-1964
Fr. Sabine Griego (living)
Cristo Rey, Santa Fe; 1964-1966
Nativity of Mary, Albuquerque; 1966-1967
St. Eleanor, Ruidoso; 1967-1968
Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; 1968-1970
Chaplain State Hospital, Las Vegas; 1970-1973
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1973-1979
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1979-1993
Fr. Richard Hennessey (living)
Blessed Sacrament, Albuquerque; 1961-1963
Fr. David Holley (deceased)
St. Pius XII Institute, Albuquerque; 1971-1972
Br. Dennis Huff (living)
St. Catherine Indian School, Santa Fe; 1976-1982
Fr. Theodore Isaias (living)
Newman Center, Las Vegas; 1972-1973
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Byzantine, Albuquerque; 1973-1975
Nativity of Mary, Alameda; 1975-1976
San Miguel, Socorro; 1976-1980
San Ysidro, Corrales; 1980-1984
Fr. Vincent Lipinski (living)
Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; 1987-1989
St. Anthony, Questa; 1989-1992
Fr. Humbertus Lomme (deceased)
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1934-1936
St. Clara, Wagon Mound; 1936-1937
San Isidro, Trujillo; 1937-1939
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Sapello; 1939-1941
St. Anthony, Peñasco; 1941-1944
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1944-1964
Canonical Administrator, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Sapello and San Isidro, Trujillo; 1957-1964
Chaplain, St. Joseph Hospital, Albuquerque; 1964-1975
Fr. Clive Lynn (living)
Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque; 1970-1971
Our Lady of the Assumption, Roswell; 1971
St. Rita, Carrizozo; 1971-1973
Leave of Absence; 1973-1974
St. Therese, Albuquerque; 1974
St. Anthony, Fort Sumner; 1974-1977
St. Gertrude, Mora; 1977-1982
St. Joseph, Raton; 1982-1985
Fr. Robert Malloy (living)
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1983-1985
Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque; 1985-1987
Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque; 1987-1989
Chaplain, APD, Albuquerque; 1989-1990
Chaplain, St. Joseph Hospital, Albuquerque; 1990
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1990
St. Francis Xavier, Albuquerque; 1991-1995
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1995-1998
Fr. Phillip Martin/Peralta (living)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe; 1979-1980
Chaplain, New Mexico Boys School, Springer; 1980-1981
San Miguel, Socorro; 1981-1982
Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; 1982-1983
Chaplain, New Mexico Military Institute, Roswell; 1983-1984
Foundation House, Jemez Springs; 1984
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1985
Foundation House, Jemez Springs; 1985
St. Augustine, Isleta Pueblo; 1986
Chaplain, UNM Hospital, Albuquerque; 1986-1990
Chaplain, Veterans Hospital, Albuquerque; 1990-1992
Fr. Armando Martinez (deceased)
St. Anne, Tucumcari; 1961-1963
St. Joseph, Anton Chico; 1963-1965
San Juan Nepomueceno, El Rito; 1965
St. Joseph, Springer; 1965-1970
Temporary Administrator, Immaculate Conception, Cimarron; 1967
San Juan Nepomueceno, El Rito; 1970-1973
St. Mary, Vaughn; 1973-1976
Further Studies at Catholic University, DC; 1976-1985
Our Lady of Belen, Belen; 1985-1986
Sacred Heart, Española; 1986-1988
Leave of absence; 1988-1989
St. Anne, Santa Fe; 1989-1990
Leave of absence; 1990
St. Joseph, Anton Chico; 1990-1991
St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa; 1991-1993
Fr. Luis Martinez (living)
Holy Cross, Santa Cruz; 1964-1970
Fr. Robert Martinez (living)
San Miguel, Socorro; 1979-1981
Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; 1981
Santa Clara, Wagon Mound; 1981-1988
Counseling practice, Santa Fe; 1988-1993
Fr. Roger Martinez (living)
San Felipe de Neri, Albuquerque; 1978
St. Anthony, Peñasco; 1978-1982
San Francisco, Ranchos de Taos; 1982-1983
Leave of absence; 1983-1984
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1984-1985
St. Thomas, Abiquiú; 1985-1988
Our Lady of Belen, Belen; 1988-1990
Our Lady of Sorrows, La Joya; 1990-1993
Fr. Diego Mazon (living)
Tepeyac Formation House, Albuquerque; 1982-1986
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Peña Blanca; 1986
Fr. Thaddeus Mazur (deceased)
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1955-1956
St. Patrick, Raton; 1956-1957
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Taos; 1957
Sagrado Corazon, Costilla; 1957-1966
St. Alice, Mountainair; 1966-1968
St. Anthony, Fort Sumner; 1968-1971
Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque; 1971-1972
Our Lady of Sorrows, Bernalillo; 1972-1974
Br. Tom McConnell (living)
St. Michael's High School, Santa Fe; 1969-1975
Fr. Michael O'Brien (deceased)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Taos; 1970
San Jose, Albuquerque; 1970-1972
Estancia Valley, Moriarty; 1972-1976
St. Anthony, Peñasco; 1976-1977
San Francisco, Ranchos de Taos; 1977-1982
St. Gertrude, Mora; 1982-1985
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1985-1986
St. Anthony, Questa; 1986-1989
Fr. Don Osgood (living)
Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque; 1963
Fr. Ralph Pairon (deceased)
St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa; 1957-1959
St. Thomas, Abiquiú; 1959-1967
St. Anthony, Pecos; 1967
Fr. George Pausch (deceased)
Servants of the Paraclete, Jemez Springs; 1955-1971
Fr. John Peris (deceased)
St. Francis Xavier, Clayton; 1934
St. Gertrude, Mora; 1934-1956
St. Joseph, Anton Chico; 1956-1963
Fr. Arthur Perrault (living)
St. Pius X High School, Albuquerque; 1966-1970
Chaplain, University of Albuquerque, Albuquerque; 1970-1971
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque; 1971-1973
Our Lady of the Assumption, Albuquerque; 1973-1975
Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque; 1975-1982
St. Bernadette, Albuquerque; 1982-1992
Fr. Roman Pfalzer (deceased)
Cathedral of St. Francis, Santa Fe; 1966
Fr. James Porter (deceased)
Villa Madre de Dios, Santa Fe; 1967
Fr. Louis Prefontaine (deceased)
St. Charles Borromeo, Albuquerque; 1968
Fr. John Quinn (living)
Villa Madre de Dios, Santa Fe; 1960
Fr. John Rodriguez (living)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Albuquerque; 1960-1963
Our Lady of Sorrows, La Joya; 1963
Immaculate Conception, Cimarron; 1963-1964
St. John the Baptist, Ohkay Owingeh; 1964-1966
Sacred Heart, Albuquerque; 1966
St. John the Baptist, Ohkay Owingeh; 1966-1973
Further study, Catholic University, Washington DC; 1973-1974
San Ignacio, Albuquerque; 1974-1977
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pojoaque; 1977-1980
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe; 1980-1992
Queen of Heaven, Albuquerque; 1992-1995
Fr. Paul Rodriguez (living)
Via Coeli, Jemez Springs; 1965
Psychology practice, Albuquerque; 1966-1986
Fr. Ronald Roth (deceased)
St. Gertrude, Mora; 1968
St. Eleanor, Ruidoso; 1968
St. Anne, Tucumcari; 1968-1969
St. Therese, Albuquerque; 1969-1971
Fr. Charles Rourke (deceased)
In Archdiocese of Santa Fe 1970-1973
Leave of absence for the Tucson Diocese
Fr. Lorenzo Ruiz (living)
Holy Family, Albuquerque; 1970-1972 and 1979-1987
Fr. Edward Rutowski (deceased)
St. Helen, Hobbs; 1950-1952
St. Rose of Lima, Santa Rosa; 1952
St. Mary, Vaughn; 1952-1954
Nativity of Mary, Alameda; 1954-1975
Leave of absence; 1975-1977
St. Jude Thaddeus, Albuquerque; 1977-1991
Deacon Julian Sanchez (living)
Nativity, Albuquerque; 1981-1986
St. Anne, Santa Fe; 1986-1993
Fr. Clarence Schoeppner (deceased)
St. Michael's High School, Santa Fe; 1937-1938
St. Catherine School, Santa Fe; 1938-1941
St. Anne, Santa Fe; 1941-1945
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Fe; 1945-1954
Chaplain, St. Vincent Hospital, Santa Fe; 1954-1962
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Taos; 1962-1964
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1964-1966
Chaplain, St. Anthony Home for Boys, Albuquerque; 1966-1970
Annunciation, Albuquerque; 1970-1975
San Ysidro, Corrales; 1975-1980
Br. Fintan Shaffer (deceased)
St. Joseph Manor, Bernalillo; 1971-1981
Fr. Frank Sierra (living)
Holy Cross Parish, Santa Cruz; 1953 and 1960-1961
Fr. Jason Sigler (living)
St. Thomas, Abiquiú; 1971-1974
St. Anthony, Fort Sumner; 1974
In Michigan; 1975
Immaculate Conception, Las Vegas; 1976-1978
Leave of absence; 1978-1979
St. Therese, Albuquerque; 1979-1981
Fr. George Silva (living)
St. Francis Xavier, Clayton; 1997-2003
St. Patrick, Raton; 2003-2005
Hospital Ministry, Albuquerque; 2005
Fr. Robert Smith (deceased)
Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albuquerque; 1971-1974
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Los Alamos; 1974-1975
Leave of absence; 1975-1976
Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; 1976
Holy Ghost, Albuquerque; 1976-1984
Fr. Ignacio Tafoya (living)
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pojoaque; 1966
St. Anne, Tucumcari; 1966-1969
Our Lady of Sorrows, Las Vegas; 1969-1974
St. Therese, Albuquerque; 1974-1977
San Ignacio, Albuquerque; 1977-1985
St. Anne, Albuquerque; 1985-1994
Fr. Gordon Wagoner (deceased)
Chaplain, University of Albuquerque; 1977-1979
Fr. George Weisenborn (deceased)
Via Coeli, Jemez Springs; 1964
St. Pius Villa, Albuquerque; 1966
Our Lady of the Ascension, Albuquerque; 1967-1968
St. Francis Xavier, Albuquerque; 1968-1977
St. Bernadette, Albuquerque; 1977
St. Anthony, Peñasco; 1977-1978
St. Therese, Albuquerque; 1978-1980
Our Lady of Sorrow, La Joya; 1980-1982
San Miguel, Socorro; 1982
Most Holy Rosary, Albuquerque; 1982-1983
St. Anne, Tucumcari; 1983-1986
St. Anthony, Fort Sumner; 1986-1988
Fr. Thomas Wilkinson (deceased)
Our Lady of Fatima, Albuquerque; 1958-1959
Our Lady of Sorrows, Manzano; 1959-1962
St. Alice, Mountainair; 1962-1964
St. Anthony, Peñasco; 1964-1970
Sacred Heart, Española; 1970-1980
San Felipe de Neri, Albuquerque; 1980-1986
**Blea has filed suit against the archdiocese, claiming it misidentified him. That case is unresolved, pending bankruptcy hearings.
Diocese of Las Cruces
In both Gallup and Las Cruces, the diocese has added the names of priests credibly accused elsewhere to its list of abusers, marked with asterisks. Download the list.
Santiago Almaguer (Living)
Daniel R Barfield (Deceased)
*David Bentley (Living)
Bernard Bissonnette (Deceased)
Albert Chavez (Deceased)
Wilfred Diamond (Deceased)
Miguel Esquivel (Living)
Dennis Fountain (Deceased)
Samuel Garcia (Living)
Kerry Guillory (Living)
David Holley (Deceased)
Irving Klister (Living)
Laurier Labreche (Living)
Wayne Ladenburger (Living)
Rosario Lopez (Living)
Richard P Lynch (Deceased)
Manual Perez Maramba (Living)
Phillip Martin (Living)
Diego Mazon (Living)
Arthur C Morgan (Deceased)
Arthur O'Sullivan (Living)
Bruno Primavera (Deceased)
Casilda Pudei (Deceased)
Frank Sierra (Living)
Benjamin Silva (Living)
Dennis Tejada (Living)
John Tickle (Living)
David Viramontes (Deceased
Diocese of Gallup
Read the full list at the Diocese of Gallup website.
Fr. William Allison (Deceased)
Fr. Michael Aten (Deceased)
Fr. Michael Baca, (Deceased)
Fr. George Baz (Deceased)
Fr. Ephraim Beltramea, (Living)
Fr. John Boland (Living)
*Fr. Eugene Bowski (Living)
Fr. James Burns (Deceased)
Brett Candelaria (Living)
Fr. Santino Casimano (Deceased)
Fr. Charles Cichanowicz, (Living)
Fr. David Clark, (Deceased)
*Fr. Timothy Conlon, (Living)
Fr. Joseph Coutu (Living)
Fr. John Degnan (Deceased)
*Fr. Laurence Florez (Deceased)
*Fr. Dennis Fountain, (Deceased)
Fr. Clement Hageman (Deceased)
Fr. Julian Hartig, (Deceased)
Fr. Robert J Kirsch (Deceased)
*Fr. Bruce MacArthur (Deceased)
*Fr. Diego Mazon, (Living)
Fr. Douglas McNeill (Deceased)
Fr. Rene Messier (Deceased)
Fr. Lucien Meurnier (Deceased)
*Fr. Harry Morgan (Deceased)
*Fr. Francis Murphy (Living)
Fr. John Newton, (Deceased)
Fr. Jose Rodriguez (Living)
Fr. William Roper, (Deceased)
Fr. Conran Runnebaum, (Deceased)
Fr. Raul Sanchez (Living)
Brother Mark Schornack, (Deceased)
Fr. Lawrence Schreiber, (Living)
Fr. John Sullivan (Deceased)
Carl Todaro (Living)
Fr. David Enrique Viramontes (Deceased)
*Fr. Justin Weger, OSC (Deceased)
Fr. Samuel Wilson (Deceased)