You can’t do that
The New York Times has caught wind of a homespun militia group ($) in Southern New Mexico that is detaining migrants at the border at gunpoint before turning them over to ICE. The ACLU has also heard, and they ain't having it. The United Constitutional Patriots patrol the border in Sunland Park and are threatening asylum seekers with weapons, saying they are practicing citizens' arrests, but seeking asylum is not a crime. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham calls the group's actions "completely unacceptable."
Unfunded mandate
New eligibility requirements for K-5 Plus summer programs for New Mexico schools have thrown a wrench in the works for small and rural schools with limited resources. The summer programs now require that participating students work with the same teacher during the summer that they did during the school year, which simply isn't possible at all places. This means many schools that most need these programs will be ineligible to participate. In Santa Fe, Turquoise Trail Charter Middle School appears to be the only school negatively affected, but across the state is another story. SFR spoke to a number of administrators to get the score.
New Mexico just charged Facebook $39 million for utility fees in what is reportedly a surprise to the social media company. The Public Regulation Commission decided that other customers can't be on the hook for utility costs associated with the company's new $85 million facility, because the work won't benefit anyone else. Fair enough. But Facebook clapped back, saying that the new charges violate its contract and could jeopardize its intentions to run on renewable energy. The PRC has 30 days to either acquiesce to Facebook, or send the matter to the state Supreme Court.
Father to go free, for now
In a tragic story out of Albuquerque, a man charged with the death of his infant daughter has been released until his trial. Moses Johnson, 39, was trying to help his 11-month-old daughter with relief from a respiratory infection on April 9 when he placed her in her car seat in the steamy bathroom of the motel where he was staying. He left her there overnight, and in the morning, found the car seat had fallen off the toilet and his daughter had drowned in the bathtub. His public defender, Craig Acorn, asserts that Johnson would receive more sympathy if he were a wealthy white man; but because he is a poor man of color, he is being vilified.
Be on the lookout
This weekend is Easter, so that means that hundreds of folks have already begun their pilgrimage to Chimayo ($). Be careful on the roads, particularly US 84/285 and Highway 503, as walkers are headed up the shoulders toward the santuario. SantaFe.com published an interesting history of the walking pilgrimage a few years ago that taught the Word a few things this morning.
Whale of a tale
Meow Wolf has partnered with Santa Fe Community College to create a life-size blue whale sculpture made of recycled materials, to drive home the impact of recycling. It'll be unveiled on Earth Day (that's Monday) at the SFCC athletic field.
You know what else is happening this weekend? The unofficial cannabis holiday 4/20. Beyond information for stoners (that's easy enough to come across), SFR dove into the political fight for and against the maligned and revered plant; we've provided readers with a look at recreational and medical cannabis, as well as information on CBD in the state. Also, if you haven't yet signed up for Leaf Brief, our monthly newsletter about all things marijuana-related, you should do that.
Hop down the bunny trail
So you don't want to walk to church and you don't smoke weed. What else is going on this weekend? Well, plenty! Monte del Sol Charter School students have created a Peace Museum, open tonight and tomorrow; comic books come to life in a thoughtful and inspiring play at Teatro Paraguas; Indigenous dancers take over Wise Fool; and of course there's always the SFR events calendar for dozens more events to keep you constantly busy. Go forth and have fun!
Thanks for reading! The Word is considering combining both of the weekend's holidays by getting really really stoned Saturday night and hiding an Easter basket, then waking up Sunday, having forgotten where it was, so I can search for it in the morning.