Bad news today
from the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, which seems to add weight to
: The unemployment rate statewide increased .5 percent from July through August. While the rate remains lower than the national average, it still translates to an "
over-the-year loss of 30,900 jobs
" in New Mexico.
That's a job loss proportionate to 1 in every 44 adult New Mexicans.
Some historical context:
this week, the state notes that "Government and private health care appear to offer the best employment prospects for the state as we continue to endure difficult economic times. Most of the gains came from educational & health services." However, "Some of the new government jobs are at the federal level now that hundreds of workers are actively engaged in preparation for Census 2010."
Those are temp jobs, remember. And, apparently,
As usual, Santa Fe is doing a little better than the rest of the state, though "All-in-all, not much changed employment wise for Santa Fe in August."
Once again, education and health services show the only growth, and construction is worse off than any other sector.
Translation: We can't count on tourism right now.
What about government?